Concession Application form | CQI | IRCA Skip to main content

Concession Application form

Progress indicator

Members may apply by reason of on-going hardship circumstances, for a reduction on their membership subscription fees. To apply, complete and submit this form, with supporting evidence.

*If you are not currently a member please write 'new' into this field
Reason for concession


Members may choose to submit one or more of the following forms of evidence to support the concession:

  1. Letter from employer
  2. Doctor’s note
  3. Jobseeker’s letters
  4. P45
  5. Bank statements
  6. Or any other document you feel evidences your claim.
One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png, txt, pdf, doc, docx, zip.
One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png, txt, pdf, doc, docx, zip.
One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png, txt, pdf, doc, docx, zip.

Evidence will be used to determine whether to award a concession. Once a decision has been made your evidence will be deleted.

By submitting this form, I confirm that I am currently in hardship circumstances and not in full time paid employment.