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ISO 45001:2018 explained

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In March 2018, CQI published a report, ISO 45001:2018 – Understanding the International Standard, to help members develop their knowledge and understanding of the ISO 45001 – Occupational health and safety standard.

Along with ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 completes the suite of key ISO management systems standards based on the Annex SL high-level structure. It outlines common structure, core text, terms and definitions which will help organisations align, combine or integrate their management systems.

The ISO 45001:2018 – Understanding the International Standard report is particularly beneficial for CQI members responsible for the quality, environmental, and occupational health and safety management systems of their organisations. It provides useful guidance for everyone involved in managing the occupational health and safety performance of their organisation. 

As custodians, practitioners and champions of governance, assurance and improvement, quality professionals are in the ideal position to lead the implementation of the new standard.

By developing knowledge and understanding of current best practice, CQI members will be better positioned to support their organisations in achieving their occupational health and safety goals.

All Chartered Members and Fellows are required to plan their continuing professional development annually; take steps to meet those needs, evaluate whether those needs have been met, and provide evidence of the above if requested. Resources such as ISO 45001:2018 – Understanding the International Standard, Quality World, CQI Knowledge Hub and the CQI e-library can be valuable tools in the development of your professional knowledge.

Download ISO 45001 report

Read the report on the new occupational health and safety standard – ISO 45001:2018. Reading the report counts as CPD for CQI members.

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