Quality Professional of the Year | CQI | IRCA Skip to main content

Quality Professional of the Year

Meet the winner: Angelique Macrez CQP MCQI, Osborne

Angelique Macrez, CQP MCQI, Group Performance Improvement Manager at Osborne, became 2019’s Quality Professional of the Year. Macrez, who works for construction business Osborne, was chosen for simplifying processes, creating visual solutions and embedding a culture of quality in the business.

"Angelique demonstrated how clear focus and precise planning can lead to excellent results. The judges were particularly impressed by the clarity of her application and presentation and the fact that she gives a third of her working time to Gemba walks, an opportunity for staff to stand back from their day-to-day tasks to walk the floor of their workplace to identify wasteful activities." Judges' comments

Entries now open

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