Quality World magazine
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The leading independent magazine dedicated to quality. Access this month's issue online now if you're a member of the CQI or IRCA, or read a sample of the magazine below and find out how to subscribe.
Quality World is the global magazine dedicated to the quality profession. Available quarterly in print and online, it's the leading source of information on the world of quality, from the latest opinions and thought leadership, to case studies, tools and career advice for quality professionals.
As well as providing useful practical tools and case studies you can apply in your work, the magazine offers forecasts and direction on the future of the profession, as well as broader, important themes from the business world.
The Quality World team interviews top business leaders and commissions experts to analyse the hottest trends and report all the latest news. Covering everything from governance, assurance and improvement, to ISO 9001 and Lean Six Sigma, the magazine is packed with insight and information to help you be a better quality professional.
Quality World is delivered to CQI members and other subscribers in more than 90 countries around the world. It is also available to CQI and IRCA members to read and download online, reaching a total audience of more than 20,000 people.
Quality World is essential reading for quality professionals who want to stay ahead of the game.
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If you'd like to propose an article, interview or theme to the team at Quality World, please email [email protected].
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