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Importance of audit in aviation maintenance
Lead auditor S. Sowrirajan takes a closer look at the importance of regular audits in the highly regulated aviation maintenance sector.

Learning laboratory
Abdul Majeed PCQI, Quality Assurance Manager at Pragati Electricals in India, describes his experience of the process of gaining certification to ISO/IEC 17025.

Quality re-imagined
Software quality assurance manager Ramesh Mahadevan examines how the quality profession has gone on a cyclical journey from performance to compliance – and back again.

Enhancing global transparency
In late October, it became mandatory for all accreditation and certification bodies to upload information relating to management systems certifications to the IAF CertSearch database. We speak to Nigel Johnston, CEO of Quality Trade, which developed the database, about the value CertSearch offers to organisations.

Building a quality career
As part of a series of articles on different routes into quality, we speak to Rob Annels PCQI, who made the move into the quality profession after 20 years in the construction industry.

Challenges of ensuring quality in AI
With artificial intelligence now an established part of our working lives, Damien Tiller explains how quality professionals can ensure quality is baked in when AI processes are implemented.

Use of AI in third-party certification processes
Ian Rosam CQP MCQI, Chief Product Officer at DeepFathom and a member of the CQI's Audit special interest group, takes a closer look at how artificial intelligence has been integrated into UKAS-accredited certification processes.

Upholding the ethics of auditing
What ethical challenges could an auditor face when scrutinising an organisation’s quality management system? George Nyambuya PCQI takes a closer look.

Bring the mountain to you
Ryan Renard CQP FCQI examines the parallels between martial arts and the quality profession.

The process approach to audit – a unicorn?
A 'process approach' is mentioned in the guidance documents for several standards, but is not defined in terms of implementing an audit of a quality management system. Andy Nichols CQP FCQI takes a closer look at this apparent paradox.