Fossil fuel usage at an all-time high, says report | CQI | IRCA Skip to main content

Fossil fuel usage at an all-time high, says report

Published: 6 Jul 2022

A new study has found that fossil fuels are dominating usage as political momentum fails to translate to action.

According to the Renewables 2022 Global Status Report, the share of wind and solar energy usage has grown minimally over the past decade, with a global reliance on fossil fuels to meet demands.  

The report, published by Ren21, a global renewable energy community, aims to expose data in the energy sector in order to drive the rapid uptake of renewables, and advocate for a sustainable future.  

The study showed that despite a record increase in investment in renewables and global installed renewable power capacity, the increase in global energy demand (4%) has mostly been met by fossil fuels, resulting in record carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. This rise in global energy demand has offset the growth in renewable energy deployment, further suggesting that ‘Political momentum has not translated into action’.  

Some ‘bright spots’ of hope were also highlighted by Ren21, reporting that more than 135 countries have a target for net zero greenhouse gas emission; and the International Energy Agency’s recently published net zero scenario offers countries a blueprint to follow.  

Chair of the CQI’s Renewable Energy Special Interest Group, Gregorio Acero, commented: “The debate about renewables is progressing from a long-term need due to climate change concerns, to a short-term need to ensure energy security at a country level. In that sense, we should expect a massive acceleration in the installation of new MW of renewable energy. This acceleration will require a strong focus in quality along the value chain, ensuring flawless execution until commissioning and flawless operation.

"Now, more than ever again, a professional quality workforce is required in the renewable sector.” 

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