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ISO Lead Auditor Daniel Davidson

A tactical manoeuvre

Published: 30 Aug 2024

After 23 years in the services, transitioning away from a military career could have been a daunting prospect. Here, Lead Auditor Daniel Davidson explains how he went on to forge a career in quality and compliance.

Anar Malikov CQP FCQI

Embarking on a Fellowship future

Published: 28 Jun 2024

As part of our continuing series of Q&As with CQI members who have regraded to Fellow, Anar Malikov CQP FCQI describes his journey to becoming a Fellow of the CQI.

Author Ryan Renard

Auditing – start as you mean to go on

Published: 13 Dec 2023

How can auditors ensure that their work is a meaningful and positive experience for the auditee? IRCA Principal Auditor Ryan Renard CQP MCQI takes a closer look.