Your professional recognition
Progress indicator
Whether you are the only quality professional in your company, are trying to stand out from the crowd, or want your professionalism validated our membership structure is designed to support you.
Our membership grades reflect different levels of experience and expertise:
- Affiliate grade open to all;
- Practitioner grade - recognising that you have some experience and training
- Chartered Membership - recognising your professional competence;
- Chartered Fellowship -recognising your contribution to the field of quality.
Three of these grades entitle you to use post-nominal letters indicating your grade of membership.
- PCQI – Practitioners
- CQP MCQI - Chartered Members
- CQP FCQI - Chartered Fellows
Only organisations granted a royal charter can award chartered membership. Chartered Quality Professionals stand alongside other chartered professionals such as Chartered Engineers and Chartered Accountants in having their excellence recognised in such a prestigious manner.
Not all quality professionals are Chartered Quality Professionals, but those that are, have an internationally recognised mark of excellence.