Chartered Quality Institute AGM 2024 | CQI | IRCA Skip to main content

Chartered Quality Institute AGM 2024

Registration closed

The Annual General Meeting will take place virtually to encourage and include our international members.

Annual General Meeting calling notice

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Chartered Quality Institute will be held  virtually on  Thursday 12  September 2024,  10:00 – 11:00 British Summer Time (BST).  

AGM Agenda 

  1. To receive the minutes of the latest AGM,  held on  6 September 2023.  

  2. To receive and adopt the annual report of the Board of Trustees for the year ending 31  December 2023.  

  3. To receive the annual accounts for the year ending 31 December 2023.   

  4. To confirm the appointment of the institute’s auditors until the next AGM and to authorise the Board to fix their remuneration.  

  5. To report the composition of the institute’s Board of Trustees and Council for the following year.  

  6. To transact any other business relevant to an AGM, details of which have been received in writing by the  director general no later than five working days before the date of the AGM.   

Vince Desmond, Chief Executive/Director General

Notes to the notice of the AGM

  1. Registration for the AGM: As CQI members and IRCA certificated auditors you are welcome to attend the AGM. You will receive an email from our AGM platform provider – Mi-Voice – inviting you to attend virtually.    

  2. Appointment of proxies: If you are a voting member (FCQI, MCQI), you are entitled to appoint a proxy to exercise all or any of your rights to virtually attend, speak, and vote at the meeting. In this instance, you will receive email instructions from Mi-Voice about registering for proxy voting and voting on the day. 

  3. Any proposals for resolution or items of any other business must be lodged in writing with the Chief Executive to [email protected] no later than five working days before the AGM.  

AGM registration and voting details

Who can attend the AGM?  

All CQI members and IRCA certificated auditors are welcome to register and attend the AGM. Please note that the AGM will be hosted virtually on Zoom, and there is a capacity limit of 500 attendees. 

Who can vote?  

Only chartered members (FCQI and MCQI) of the institute are eligible to vote. If you're a chartered member, you'll have the option of registering a proxy vote or voting on the day. We'll send you an email from our AGM platform provider, Mi-Voice. 

How can I vote if  I’m attending?  

You will receive  an email  about on-the-day voting one day before the event  from Mi-Voice. If you are eligible to vote and have not received an email detailing how you can vote by that time,  please contact  [email protected].  

Am I entitled to a proxy vote?  

Voting members (FCQI and MCQI) are entitled to appoint a proxy to exercise all or any of their rights to virtually attend, speak and vote at the meeting. If you are a voting member,  you will receive email instructions from Mi-Voice about registering for proxy voting.  

You can only appoint a proxy using the procedures set out in these notes and through the Mi-Voice website.

Does the proxy have to be a member of the institute?  

A proxy does not need to be a member of the  institute  but must attend the meeting to represent you. Where you appoint as your proxy someone other than the Chair, you are responsible for ensuring that they attend the meeting and are aware of your voting intentions. If you wish your proxy to make any comments on your behalf, you will need to appoint someone other than the Chair and give them the relevant instructions.  

Can I attend if I’ve submitted a proxy vote?  

Appointment of a proxy does not preclude you from attending the meeting and voting in person. If you have appointed a proxy and attend the meeting in person, your proxy appointment will automatically be terminated.  

For information on how the CQI processes your personal data please see link.

For the AGM specifically Zoom will share the information you use to register for the AGM with the CQI so we know you are attending.  Please use the email we have on file for you as this is the email we will be contacting you with details of the AGM. We share this data with our 3rd party voting platform Mi-Voice who will contact you regarding registration, proxy voting and voting on the day only. Your data will be processed under the legal bases of legal obligation (we need to inform you of the AGM and your right to vote legally) and legitimate interest (you have the choice to register).

You are eligible to vote if you are a chartered member (FCQI, MCQI) of the institute.

AGM 2024

Join the CQI AGM virtually

Please use the email we have on record for you for both registering and proxy voting purposes.