ISO 9001: Design specification consultation
In 2020, ISO’s Technical Committee 176, Sub-Committee 2 (TC 176/SC 2), the committee responsible for ISO 9001, undertook a systematic review of ISO 9001:2015 to determine whether it should be updated, left unchanged, or deleted.
For ISO 9001 to remain effective, relevant, applicable and responsive to business practice and societal expectations, it must remain contemporary. Business and societal environments continue to change rapidly, with factors being accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic, and the continued pace of digital transformation. Consequently, there is a material risk that the standard will drift out of alignment with industry best practice and become of diminished value to all stakeholders, whilst it sits still, and the world moves on.
Recognising this, ISO TC 176/SC2 established a task group, TG05, to oversee the preparation of a design specification for the next edition of ISO 9001, so that when the decision is finally made to commence revising the standard, the project can proceed as quickly as possible. This design specification was produced in December 2022 and is being issued to members and representatives of ISO TC 176/SC 2 for a period of consultation in March 2023.
Relevance of ISO 9001 to the CQI
Category A Liaison status
The CQI holds Category A Liaison status with TC 176, recognising the valuable contribution the CQI and its members make to the review, maintenance, and development of this standard. Category A Liaison status allows the CQI to appoint representatives to sit on the technical committee and subcommittees making key decisions relating to the standards content and suitability. This representation, and responsibility for liaison with the CQI members on matters related to ISO 9001, and other standards, is managed by the CQI Standards Coordination Committee. The CQI has representatives on several ISO TC 176 subcommittees, including the TG5 ISO 9001 Design Specification and TG4 Emerging Themes subgroups.
CQI Member Consultation
Earlier this year, the CQI SCC undertook a survey of all CQI and IRCA members on the need for ISO 9001: 2015 to be revised, the priorities for any future revision, and the proposed content of the TC 176/SC 2/TG 5 design specification. The survey was comprised of three parts:
Part A asked to what extent respondents agreed with the statement “ISO 9001:2015 is fit for purpose 'as is' and does not require revision before its next review in 2026.”
Part B listed nine priority areas for inclusion and/or addition to any future revision of ISO 9001, which had been identified, reviewed, and verified by the CQI SCC. Respondents were asked whether they ‘Strongly agreed’, ‘Agreed’, ‘Neither agreed nor disagreed’, ‘Disagreed’ or ‘Strongly disagreed’ with their inclusion.
Part C listed potential topics for potential inclusion in the next edition of ISO 9001, as identified by members of ISO TC176/SC2/TG5 and embedded within their draft design specification. The topics were identified followed extensive discussion by international subject matter experts, representatives from the CQI SCC.
Respondents were asked whether they ‘Strongly agreed’, ‘Agreed’, ‘Neither agreed nor disagreed’, ‘Disagreed’ or ‘Strongly disagreed’ with their inclusion.
The survey was published on 20 February 2023 and closed on 13 March 2023.
The survey received 820 responses.
Please direct any questions you may have to [email protected]
ISO opens ballot on the future of ISO 9001:2015
ISO On Tuesday 28 June, 2023, confirmed a ballot on options for the future of ISO 9001:2015.
The ballot will ask national mirror committees to vote whether to revise ISO 9001:2015 based on the draft Design Specification produced by ISO TC 176/SC 2/TG 5, or to confirm the standard as is until the next systematic review in 2026.
The CQI is a Category A Liaison to ISO/TC 176. Although it is unable to vote, it can submit a comment on the ballot, and shall do so in support of revising the standard.
Speaking on the ballot, Alexander Woods, CQI Policy Manager, said:
“The CQI is committed to leading best quality management practice. ISO 9001:2015 must endeavour to capture and reflect best practice if it is to remain relevant and of value to the organisations who rely on it as a framework for their systems of managing quality. Unless we can be confident that ISO 9001:2015 remains fit for purpose in a world which has changed significantly since its publication, that it is resilient to the continued pace and scope of change, and there are no opportunities for it to be bettered, we are advocates for its improvement.
The ballot will close on 28 July 2023.
The CQI's Standards Coordination Committee
The CQI Standards Coordination Committee exits to coordinate strategy and direct the CQI's sponsored standards activity. This includes determining those standards which are of importance to the CQI, directing and coordinating participation in their development, and recommending the development of products, services, and assets relating to the use of international standards. The scope of the Committee's activity encompasses quality and other related management systems standards, and management systems audit standards which are of strategic or operational importance to CQI, including those for which the CQI has products, services, or assets.
The Committee is comprised of standards users, makers, thought leaders and management systems experts drawn from a variety of backgrounds and industries.
The Standards Coordination Committee
Find out more about the CQI's Standards Coordination Committee members.
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