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Risk Based Thinking

Published: 8 Aug 2019

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) have put together an Auditing Practices Group Guidance on: Risk Based Thinking. Read how ISO 9001 – Quality management can address risk planning in your organisation

ISO 45001:2018

Published: 25 Jun 2019

Roland Tan, IRCA Lead/Principal Auditor, explores the importance of the world’s first occupational health and safety management system

How to motivate all employees to engage in improvement activities: a case study of DISCO Corporation

Published: 8 May 2019

DISCO Corporation, a company which is part of IRCA Japan OEA (Organisation Employing Auditors), provides design and development, manufacturing and related services for precision processing equipment and tools used in semiconductor manufacturing and other industries. In 2003, they introduced unique activities called PIM (Performance Innovation Management). Including PIM, they have established effective systems for motivating of its members, from top management to general employees, to be engaged in improvement. PIM activities are carried out not just at the head office in Tokyo, but also in the nanufacturing plants in Japan and in their local offices around the globe. Among these activities, the PIM matches are an entirely unique approach.

Internal quality audit – a myth buster

Published: 2 May 2019

While he is aware of their, sometimes negative, reputation, Quality Manager Paul Vaughan wants to reassure everyone that internal quality auditors “don’t bite”. That is, of course, providing they’ve had their breakfast…

Auditing leadership according to ISO High Level Structure

Published: 25 Apr 2019

Horacio Martirena, IRCA technical assessor, explores the challenges auditors face when ensuring adherence to one of the fundamental changes introduced by ISO High Level Structure – clause 5.1 leadership and commitment

The quality mentor

Published: 24 Apr 2019

Alicia Dimas talks to Angela Fumpson, Director and Founder at White Tiger Quality Management & Business Improvement and Chair of the CQI Avon Branch Committee, about her career, auditing and improvement

The auditor’s integrity report

Published: 2 Apr 2019

Ammara Tasnim, Head of Customer Experience and Quality Management at Ufone, explains the importance of understanding ethics, and of not compromising your values when you are auditing an organisation

Are you taking advantage of CQI and IRCA certified training?

Published: 2 Apr 2019

Over 70,000 delegates in over 100 countries across the world take CQI and IRCA certified training every year, delivered by our trusted network of Approved Training Providers (ATPs). Find out how you can enhance your career prospects

Course code
Course code

7 hours (indicative)

Category Auditing
Level Foundation

ISO 50001:2018 Foundation (EnMS)

This course provides delegates who have an existing, basic knowledge of, or experience in, energy management with an understanding of the management systems approach and the requirements of ISO 50001, and to provide a basis for delegates who wish to go on to complete CQI and IRCA Certified EnMS Auditor Training courses.