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Engagement of people

Published: 19 May 2021

Raffat Khatoon Mohammed, CQP MCQI, ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001 Lead Auditor at Qatar Primary Materials Company (QPMC), explains how ‘engagement of people’ helped QPMC to overcome staff and skill shortages during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Setting and applying SMART objectives

Published: 11 Aug 2020

Sam Kinch, Quality Management Consultant at, highlights the importance of SMART objectives and how businesses should apply them.

Risk-based thinking

Published: 6 Aug 2020

Luis Alberto Palacios Vásquez, Technical Director at Integral Consulting Group, Guatemala, South America, explains the importance of risk-based thinking during the audit process.

The new normal for remote audits

Published: 8 Jun 2020

Amy Schewe, CQP PCQI, Quality Manager at Thin Metal Parts in Colorado Springs, US, explains how remote audits can help auditors with conducting successful audits during and after the coronavirus pandemic.

Fish Fraud: How the Marine Stewardship Council tackles unregulated fishing

Published: 2 Jun 2017

In the early 1990s the impact of overfishing on the marine environment and on seafood supplies was reaching a critical point. This year the Marine Stewardship Council is celebrating its 20th anniversary and the picture is looking far healthier. In an extract from June's Quality World magazine, Dina Patel speaks to supply chain standards director Michael Platt and manager Jaco Barendse to discover how they are leading the sustainable seafood movement.