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Building a quality culture

Published: 28 Nov 2022

A quality culture is at the heart of any successful organisation. Consultant and communication coach Lesley Worthington outlines the key building blocks to achieve it.

Eliminating the costs of poor quality

Published: 13 Oct 2020

Vimala Balusamy, CQP MCQI, Quality and Project Management Consultant, India, shares her five steps to help prevent poor quality costs in businesses.

Setting and applying SMART objectives

Published: 11 Aug 2020

Sam Kinch, Quality Management Consultant at, highlights the importance of SMART objectives and how businesses should apply them.

The demise of the management representative

Published: 6 Aug 2020

Dr Christel Fouche, Health and Safety Specialist and Lead Auditor, shares her experience for performing successful audits under the ISO 45001 standard, and explains how to adapt to changes following the migration from OHSAS 18001.

Creating a 'mental health at work' plan

Published: 29 Jun 2020

Jennie Clark, CQP MCQI, Director of Elliem Consulting, UK, provides some advice and guidance to help employers improve the mental health and wellbeing of their staff.