The CQI and IRCA professional code of conduct
Members of the CQI and IRCA Certificated Auditors are known around the world for their high levels of competence and professionalism. Our Code of Conduct sets out what we expect of members.
Please note
This process is only for making a code of conduct complaint.
Members of the CQI and IRCA Certificated Auditors are known around the world for their high levels of competence and professionalism. Our Code of Conduct sets out what we expect of members.
The CQI and IRCA Code of Conduct sets the standards of competence, behaviour and integrity that we expect from everyone who is a member of the CQI or certificated by IRCA. It also covers those who serve on our governance bodies, including the CQI Council and Board of Trustees and Volunteers.
What constitutes a breach of the code of conduct?
An act of breaking or failing to observe the CQI IRCA Code of Conduct by a CQI member or certificated IRCA Auditor.
Code of conduct complaints
The code of conduct complaints process is regulated by regulation 12.
Do you wish to lodge a code of conduct complaint?
A code of conduct complaint can be lodged by any member of society including the CQ|IRCA itself, however, the defendant must be a CQI|IRCA member. The clause which has potentially been breached must be quoted when lodging the complaint, accompanied with evidence to support the claim.
Before you undertake this code of conduct complaint, have you taken any steps to resolve this issue? Eg if you are a volunteer have you been through the problem-solving process?
Make a code of conduct complaint
Please fill in the CQI and IRCA code of conduct complaints form and ensure you provide as much detail as possible.
We take all complaints seriously and we will ensure that they are handled in an efficient and confidential manner.