Exam preparation
Before taking your online exam, you must read the CQI and IRCA Online Exams: Guide for Learners:
In particular, please read the following sections of the Guide:
- Section 5: Equipment and System Requirements to check your IT equipment and internet connection meet the minimum specification requirements to run the exam successfully.
- Section 6: Online Exam Regulations to make sure you have read and understood the exam regulations including the photo identification requirements and rules relating to exam conditions and learner conduct.
Learners are also recommended to watch the exam overview video before logging on to the exam portals.
If you need extra support or time to take the exam or for religious reasons require a female CQI member of staff to review your proctoring recording, speak to your training provider. You must notify your training provider well in advance of taking your exam so they can submit a reasonable adjustment request to the CQI on your behalf. Please refer to Appendix 1 of the Guide for more information on the CQI and IRCA Online Exams: Reasonable Adjustment Policy.
We know exams can be stressful, so we have developed some guidance to help you prepare for your exam.
If you have any problems or are unsure of the requirements, please see our help section: