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Celebrating CQI volunteers

Published: 3 Jun 2020

Vincent Desmond, CEO, thanks our volunteers for their incredible work.

Vincent Desmond, CEO of the CQI has released a statement to all of our hardworking volunteers in aid of Volunteers Week 2020:

A heartfelt thank you to our CQI|IRCA volunteers for your work in this 2020 Volunteers Week. In the few weeks since ‘lockdown’ you have continued with your support and provided the equivalent of one online event a week which, giving almost 300 people access to professional development. A great success given the circumstances and I thank the committees that have made this possible.

A heartfelt thank you to our CQI|IRCA volunteers for your work during this 2020 volunteers week

Vincent Desmond, CEO

Looking forwards, our member led professional groups are playing a key role in delivering the CQI|IRCA 2030 strategy launched at the beginning of this year, albeit in trying circumstances at the moment. Right now, the Covid-19 crisis is accelerating the external trends featured in our Future of Work Report, from technology adoption to agile working, and it has been so encouraging to see the volunteer networks adapting to new agile and digital ways of working. This is the taste of things to come

For now my thanks on behalf of the CQI and our members.

If you want to know more about volunteering for the CQI, please take a look at our Volunteers page

Our volunteers run a number of events to help you engage with others and learn more about the quality profession. 

Take a look at our 2020-30 strategy that will help us to achieve our vision for the quality management discipline, the quality profession and the CQI.