The CQI Board of Trustees
Progress indicator
The Board's role, current members and terms of reference.
The Board of Trustees is the CQI's primary governance body.
It has five principal roles:
- To govern and control the CQI and its affairs, consistent with the requirements laid out in the Royal Charter and consistent with relevant statute
- To set strategy and policy, and approve and monitor its efficient and effective implementation
- To manage the CQI's exposure to risk
- To act as custodian of the CQI's Royal Charter, bye-laws and regulations
- To maintain the integrity of the CQI's deliverables.
Board members
Rashad Issa
Honorary Treasurer
Mike Bostock
Board members
Roxann Dawson
Rachelle Beasley
David Anderson
Victoria Derbyshire
Christopher Chinapoo
Dr. Evi Viza
Howard Cooper
Victoria Yates
Dr Asimakis Foros