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Published: 21 Sep 2022

As a member of the CQI, you're part of a global network of thousands of professionals working in quality management, and across a wide range of sectors. Since the pandemic, we've made it easier than ever to form networks globally.


Published: 20 Sep 2022

Being a member of the only chartered body dedicated to quality management demonstrates to colleagues, employers and peers that you’re serious about your profession and committed to continually developing your expertise.

Reframing perceptions of the quality profession and its business

Published: 12 Sep 2022

In the CQI’s recent Workforce Insight research, fewer than two in five working respondents said they felt highly valued by other teams, departments and employees in their organisations. Could the key to raising that number lie in changing the perception of quality? Quality systems and assurance professional Ryan Renard CQP MCQI makes the case.  

Preventing food fraud

Published: 12 Sep 2022

Both the EU and UN describe the current climate as a global food crisis and warn of ‘serious risk’. It is imperative, therefore, that we maintain vigilance to prevent food fraud, says Forbes Fyfe, Agriculture Supply Chain Technical Account Manager at global assurance specialist LRQA.  

An overview of risk management

Published: 12 Sep 2022

Bob Hughes CQP FCQI, Director of Temple QMS, highlights how proper risk management enhances the work of the quality profession, outlining the benefits of an effective risk review of a management system.

Common sense when auditing a micro organisation

Published: 12 Sep 2022

Auditors are trained to audit large organisations with complex structures, but auditing micro organisations may need a rather different approach. IRCA Technical Assessor Horacio Martirena, Director of M&A Consultores in Argentina, gives a scenario of how common sense can be applied in such a situation.  

Baltic Exchange: A move to Quality 4.0

Published: 9 Sep 2022

An in-depth look into how governance, assurance and improvement activities were enhanced through the implementation of Quality 4.0 at maritime and freight market information provider, the Baltic Exchange.