Discover the Profession Map
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Every quality professional's career is different. But a shared set of capabilities underpins them all.
The Profession Map – Your route to success
Every quality professional's career is different. But a shared set of capabilities underpins them all.
In 2014 we launched the CQI Competency Framework, helping quality professionals to plan their development and fulfil their potential. Now, in 2023, we launch the Profession Map, designed to sit at the heart of your professional development.
Building on the previous Competency Framework, the Profession Map is a practical and navigable tool that allows you to explore the competencies required to succeed as a quality professional. The existing five competencies (CGAIL) Context, Governance, Assurance, Improvement and Leadership, remain at the core of the map, but the content has been expanded to reflect the changing nature of the profession. Risk, ESG and Quality 4.0 are included for the first time. This means that you're able to access the contextual detail you need to stay up to date with the latest industry developments, ensuring that you're well prepared for any challenge that comes your way.
Our Profession Map helps
- Quality professionals to plan and advance their careers
- Employers of quality professionals to support and develop their people
- The profession to have a common language and approach to professional competence, ensuring it can meet the challenges of the future
- The world understand what quality professionals do
CQI and IRCA Certified Training is aligned with the five competencies (CGAIL) in the Profession Map
CQI membership and IRCA registration grades are assessed against the Profession Map to ensure individuals are recognised against the most relevant skills and competencies.
The Profession Map

Discover the power of The Profession Map
Gain insights into the competencies required to succeed as a quality professional and navigate your career path effectively.
The Profession Map

Your route to success - equipping modern quality leaders to meet evolving business demands.
Discover Typical Competence Profiles

Typical Competence Profiles and Career Pathways Map, navigating your career pathway
Tell us your thoughts
If you have any feedback or questions, please feel free to contact our Head of Professional Development Gareth Kingston.
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