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The CQI responds to the UK government's industrial strategy green paper
In response to the UK Government's green paper on the planned UK industrial strategy, the CQI makes the case for quality management and the quality ecosystem.

Leading the quality profession with enhanced skills and knowledge
For World Quality Week 2024, Mike Turner, Head of Profession, CQI, explores the opportunities for quality management practices in today’s rapidly changing world. Quality professionals who develop new skills, knowledge and effective leadership behaviours will leverage influence in their organisations and in responding to global issues.

CQI CEO urges the new UK government to put process excellence at the heart of its growth strategy
In response to the General Election result, the CQI CEO, Vince Desmond, urges the new government to champion process excellence as a core part of its growth strategy.

Leading digital transformation with quality excellence
As a leading membership body for quality professionals, the CQI’s ongoing programme of research to benchmark what the quality profession looks like is critical. Our recent survey of members' views on Quality 4.0 and the impact of quality management on achieving environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals generated valuable insight from our members.

Driving the future of quality through research and learning
The CQI’s commitment to learning, adapting, and evolving ensures we continue to deliver value and support for our members through access to shared expertise, knowledge, and exclusive benefits. We’re pleased to support Gartner’s State of Quality Function Survey as part of our ongoing collaboration.

Discover the Profession Map
Every quality professional's career is different. But a shared set of capabilities underpins them all.

The Profession Map: Why continual professional development has never been so important
The world in which we work is changing so rapidly that continuous professional development has never been so important. The recent surge in debate about the power of artificial intelligence (AI) is one indicator of the rise in influence of digital technologies.

The importance of the Profession Map
Roxann Dawson explores the significance of the Profession Map in equipping modern quality leaders to meet evolving business demands.