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A tactical manoeuvre
After 23 years in the services, transitioning away from a military career could have been a daunting prospect. Here, Lead Auditor Daniel Davidson explains how he went on to forge a career in quality and compliance.
Sea change in aerospace and defence certification process
Dr David Scrimshire, Managing Director of TEC Transnational, takes a closer look at recent proposed changes to the certification process for aerospace and defence organisations.
Enhancing the role of auditing to boost organisational capability
How can enhancing the role of auditing boost an organisation’s capability, sustainability, compliance, resilience and performance? Ian Rosam CQP FCQI, Chief Product Officer at DeepFathom and a member of the CQI's Audit special interest group, takes a closer look at the benefits of moving away from the traditional audit role.
Corrective action responses following internal audits
Andy Nichols looks at whether the time frames for responding to an audit nonconformity with a corrective action plan are necessary – or correct.
Auditing climate change
Richard Green, founder and owner of Kingsford Consultancy Services, examines the implication of ISO’s climate change amendments to management system standards for auditors.
Updated ISO/IEC 27006-1:2024 giving confidence in certification
BS EN ISO/IEC 27006-1:2024, giving requirements for bodies that provide audit and certification of information security management systems, was published in March this year. Steve Watkins, Chair of the BSI technical committee IST/33 for information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection standards, and co-editor of the standard, talks through its key points.
I hear this a lot when auditing...
How can an organisation demonstrate that it has communicated its quality, environment, and health and safety policies to all employees? Lead Auditor Andy Lau explains.
Unlocking the key to successful audits
A well-planned audit is the key to success, says Quality Assurance Quality Control Engineer K Amarnath.
Learning globally recognised skills
As part of a series of articles on different quality qualifications, Jayne Nixon PCQI, Quality Support Manager at Unipart Rail, UK, outlines her experience of undertaking the Level 4 Quality Practitioner Apprenticeship course, studying with Whyy? Change.
The Hawthorne effect
If the outcome of an audit is influenced by the very act of carrying out the audit in the first place, how can we ever ensure accuracy? Welcome to the paradox that is the Hawthorne effect.