Affiliate membership | CQI | IRCA Skip to main content

Affiliate membership

Progress indicator

The CQI Affiliate grade is available for everyone with an interest in quality.

Benefits of Affiliate membership

Affiliates can access the CQI's member benefits including our content, networking and development platforms. These benefits will encourage and assist you to enhance your career and regrade to Practitioner and Chartered Quality Professional when you are ready to take the next step.

For a more in-depth view of our benefits, please see our benefits pages here.

Grade Requirements

Anyone can apply for membership at Affiliate grade. There are no assessment requirements and you don’t need any previous experience in quality. The application process takes around 5 minutes to complete and is ideal for those who are eager to start their membership as soon as possible. Create an account online, pay the fees and start enjoying your Affiliate membership.

Apply online now

To apply, complete the online application form and pay the combined application and subscription fee.

Once you pay the fees, the membership takes around 1-2 business days to process. 

Regrading and fees


You may regrade at anytime during your membership to an alternative CQI grade whether that be Practitioner or Chartered Member. You will not need to pay an additional membership fee to regrade however a small regrade fee is due to process your application.


For all new membership applications, there are two fees to pay; a one-off application fee to process your application and an annual membership fee. The annual membership fee for CQI is pro-rated. The CQI membership cycle starts in January each year. New members can join at any point in the year and fees will be adjusted accordingly. For a link to the fees, please click here.

Find your membership grade

Take this short quiz to find out which CQI membership grade is right for you

Join the CQI

Show your colleagues you are serious about quality and gain unrivalled support in your career.

Have a question?

Please email us if you have any other questions about membership.