The Profession Map: what it means for auditors
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Learn how The Profession Map applies to you and what it means for the future of the auditing profession.
In 2014, we launched the Competency Framework. The framework described the core competences required of individuals working in the quality profession and was transformational in helping to define and develop professional competence. Recognising that management systems auditor is one of several key specialisms which make up the profession, the CQI subsequently published the guide The Competency Framework – What it means for auditors in the same year.
The purpose of the guide was to supplement the Competency Framework and provide an analysis of the five competence areas (Context, Governance, Assurance, Improvement, and Leadership) of the Competency Framework as it applies to management systems auditors.
In June 2023, we launched a new and updated version of the Competency Framework known as The Profession Map. As well as providing a more detailed competence framework, The Profession Map also addresses the new demands on professional competence, which have become increasingly important since the Competency Framework was published. These demands have been mainly brought about by the proliferation of digital technologies and the increasing influence of environmental, social and governance (ESG) objectives to corporate life over the last decade.
In this revised guide, The Profession Map – What it means for auditors, we explain the key changes brought about by publication of The Profession Map and what these mean for the role of the management systems auditor.
Learn how the Profession Map applies to you and what it means for the future of the auditing profession.

Read ‘The Profession Map: what it means for auditors’ under the Resources section in the Members’ Area.
You will learn:
- What The Profession Map is
- What it means for the auditing profession
- Why it is equally applicable to generalists and specialists
- Why auditors need to be agents for change
- Why management system auditors can contribute to effective leadership
- Why it is important for auditors to understand the ‘context’ and adjust how they operate accordingly.
The Profession Map includes several competences which will enhance the capability and performance of management systems auditors no matter their specialist, sector or industry.
Learn more about the competencies the auditing profession requires to do its job effectively.
The Profession Map

Your route to success - equipping modern quality leaders to meet evolving business demands.
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