Introduction to Change Management
8 hours (indicative)
This course provides awareness of the key considerations and approaches to enable effective change in organisations and the ability to explain how understanding organisational change can be used to develop an approach to sustain improvement in customer and stakeholder satisfaction.
Course code: FD104
Who is it for?
Foundation courses are designed specifically for individuals who are new to quality, or who work in other functions or professions.
Indicative course content
- Introduction to organisational change, values and cultures
- Change thinking: The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle
- Barriers and enablers of change:
- Organisational barriers to change
- Organisational enablers for change
- Common approaches to change management
- Common approaches to improvement-based change
- Introduction to learning patterns:
- Process of learning and learning needs
- Learning styles
- PDCA in learning and improvement
- PDCA in audit, review and assessment
- Increasing readiness to change:
- Role of the customer/stakeholder
- Stakeholder engagement
- Introduction to managing change:
- Cycles of change and the change curve
- Management processes
- Planning
- Roles
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