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Anar Malikov CQP FCQI

Embarking on a Fellowship future

Published: 28 Jun 2024

As part of our continuing series of Q&As with CQI members who have regraded to Fellow, Anar Malikov CQP FCQI describes his journey to becoming a Fellow of the CQI.

Abigail Cooper CQP FCQI

A quality choice

Published: 24 Oct 2023

Abigail Cooper CQP FCQI made quality a choice and worked hard to enter the profession, eventually becoming a CQI Fellow. Learn more about her journey.

Sherif Nasser CQP FCQI

A quality journey to Fellow

Published: 25 Sep 2023

As part of our series of Q&As with CQI Fellows, Sherif Nasser CQP FCQI tells us about his journey to becoming a Fellow of the CQI.