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ISO Lead Auditor Daniel Davidson

A tactical manoeuvre

Published: 30 Aug 2024

After 23 years in the services, transitioning away from a military career could have been a daunting prospect. Here, Lead Auditor Daniel Davidson explains how he went on to forge a career in quality and compliance.

Audit to boost organisational capabilities

Enhancing the role of auditing to boost organisational capability

Published: 22 Jul 2024

How can enhancing the role of auditing boost an organisation’s capability, sustainability, compliance, resilience and performance? Ian Rosam CQP FCQI, Chief Product Officer at DeepFathom and a member of the CQI's Audit special interest group, takes a closer look at the benefits of moving away from the traditional audit role.

Ticking a clipboard list

I hear this a lot when auditing...

Published: 25 Apr 2024

How can an organisation demonstrate that it has communicated its quality, environment, and health and safety policies to all employees? Lead Auditor Andy Lau explains.

Elina Hajiyeva PCQI

A quality education

Published: 29 Jan 2024

Elina Hajiyeva PCQI, a Lead Auditor at BOS Shelf, Azerbaijan, outlines the importance of a quality education in encouraging graduates into the quality sector.

Author Ryan Renard

Auditing – start as you mean to go on

Published: 13 Dec 2023

How can auditors ensure that their work is a meaningful and positive experience for the auditee? IRCA Principal Auditor Ryan Renard CQP MCQI takes a closer look.

Essentials for a safe on-site audit

Published: 8 Jun 2021

Sharjeel Farooq, IRCA Principal Auditor, and Director of Advanced Certifications Pvt Limited in Pakistan, shares his experience and advice on how to hold a safe on-site audit during the Covid-19 pandemic.