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Dave Colwell, VP of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Leveraging GenAI for quality engineering

Published: 9 Aug 2024

Dave Colwell, Vice President of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at Tricentis, explores how generative artificial intelligence can be used to support quality in software development.

Leveraging Quality 4.0 to enhance customer experience

Published: 22 Sep 2023

This, our first co-created report with US-based research and consulting firm Gartner, provides an in-depth analysis of the actions organisations need to take to prepare for the major customer shifts and increase in customer expectations.

Certified lead auditor Prabin Litto

Enhancing data security in the cloud

Published: 18 Sep 2023

What is the impact of poor-quality data in the cloud and how can quality professionals mitigate this? Lead Auditor Prabin Litto takes a closer look.

In this interview, Warren Merkel, Vice President of Policy at the ANSI National Accreditation Board, explains the reasons behind the update to ISO/IEC 1706:2022 Conformity assessment – Code of good practice, and its impact on the work of quality professionals.

Conformity assessment: Setting the standard

Published: 11 Jan 2023

In this interview, Warren Merkel, Vice President of Policy at the ANSI National Accreditation Board, explains the reasons behind the update to ISO/IEC 1706:2022 Conformity assessment – Code of good practice, and its impact on the work of quality professionals.