Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
The CQI's Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are a place for our members to explore their particular interests and specialisms. Find out more about our SIGs here and register to join one.

CQI Digital Transformation SIG
The newly formed Digital Transformation SIG aims to advance the understanding and development of practices of Quality Management in the digital age.

CQI Medical Laboratories SIG
The Medical Laboratories SIG aims to discuss contemporary issues related to the quality management practices in the field. The group intends to provide a platform to share ideas, and common challenges in BS EN ISO 15189 implementation.

CQI Healthcare Networking Group
The Healthcare Networking Group has been established to discuss and inform on all aspects of Quality Management in a Healthcare setting. This group will discuss the design and implementation of a Quality Management System in compliance with BS ISO 7101:2023.

CQI Renewable Energy SIG
This SIG aims to inform members on the competency and standards that exist in the sphere of renewable energy.

CQI Sustainability SIG (SusSIG)
The SusSIG was officially launched by the CQI in November 2021 as part of World Quality Week, the theme being Sustainability: improving our products, people and planet.

Launched in August 2021, the committee is working on a variety of topics within assurance and prioritising the most pressing matters for our members.

CQI Deming Special Interest Group
The CQI's Deming Special Interest Group (DemSIG) brings together quality professionals to explore the ideas and work of the renowned quality pioneer W Edwards Deming.

CQI Pharmaceutical Quality Group (PQG)
The Pharmaceutical Quality Group (PQG) is the CQI's longest established special interest group, and has been supporting quality professionals in the pharma industry for more than 30 years.

CQI Rail Special Interest Group (RailSIG)
The CQI’s Rail Special Interest Group provides a forum for quality professionals in the rail industry to learn, share, support each other’s development and influence the industry.

CQI Nuclear Special Interest Group (NucSIG)
The CQI's Nuclear Special Interest Group (NucSIG) provides a forum for quality professionals in the nuclear sector to learn, share, support each other’s development and influence the industry.
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