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Best of the CQI eLibrary: root cause analysis

Published: 30 Mar 2017

Organisations are encouraged to use root cause analysis to identify errors and implement preventative action. We highlight five top articles to help you better understand root cause analysis.

Taking the mystery out of ISO 9001:2015

Published: 23 Feb 2017

The CQI spoke to Lucy Payne, CQP MCQI, quality management consultant at CQI and IRCA Approved Training Partner, Vale Quality Management Services to find out her career advice and how the training clarifies ISO 9001:2015. 

Why ISO 9001:2015 calls for a partnership approach

Published: 25 Jan 2017

Lorraine Harrison, CQP MCQI, quality and compliance manager at Global Marine, explains how ISO 9001:2015 puts the focus on a cross-functional approach can help build the right culture

The context of the organisation

Published: 16 Jan 2017

Bob Hughes, CQP FCQI, managing director of Temple Quality Management Systems, explains why understanding the organisation and its context offers the management team an opportunity to reflect on its successes.

Course code
Course code

24 hours (indicative)

Category Quality
Level Professional

Leading Enterprise Performance Measurement

This course develops leadership skills to coach and facilitate top management teams in the development of enterprise-wide performance measurement/KPIs for strategic goals and operational process performance.

Course code
Course code

40 hours (indicative)

Category Quality
Level Professional

Leading Business Process Excellence

This course develops leadership skills to apply system thinking within the context of an overall enterprise or organisation, and coach and facilitate top management teams in the development of their understanding and deployment of system leadership and the roles required.

Course code
Course code

40 hours (indicative)

Category Quality
Level Professional

Leading Supply Chain Assurance

This course develops leadership skills to assure that stakeholder requirements are met in the whole supply chain, develop strategies for assessing supply chain capability, coach and facilitate top management teams in the deployment of strategic leadership of supply chain management.

Course code
Course code

16 hours (indicative)

Category Quality
Level Foundation

​Introduction to Risk Management

This course provides awareness of the fundamental tools, techniques and structured methodologies for risk management across a broad range of organisational contexts and the capability to participate as a member of a team in the application of the key tools.

Course code
Course code

8 hours (indicative)

Category Quality
Level Foundation

​Introduction to Stakeholder Communications

This course provides delegates with key skills in communicating, influencing and negotiating across a broad range of organisational contexts, including the capability to evaluate and improve both their own communications and those of others within their organisation.